【お知らせ】BEAT THE COVID-19 PROJECT in Ghana を開始しました

[Notice] BEAT THE COVID-19 PROJECT in Ghana has started

As of May 10, 2020, Ghana has 4,700 new coronavirus infections.

With the number of infected people increasing, the lockdown was lifted on April 20, and the number of infected people is increasing at an accelerated pace.

The reason why African countries with weak social and economic infrastructures must lift the lockdown even though the number of infected people is increasing.

This is because many people, especially the poor, have become economically destitute due to restrictions.

It is said that 80% of the population in Ghana belongs to the informal sector.

It refers to people who live on the so-called daily income, and for them, "STAY HOME" means "death".

"STAY HOME" is a measure that can only be used because it is "safe to stay at home", and it highlights the difficulty of thoroughly implementing infection prevention measures in developing countries.

What can we do now?

What do you need to do to save their lives?

We will support the poor in Ghana with the donations received.

Would you like to take action with us?

Detail isherePlease take a look.