【NEWS】クラウドファンディングスタート!CLOUDYがガーナでCREATIVE ACADEMYを設立


CLOUDY (Representative Director: Yuto Doya, hereinafter "NPO CLOUDY") established CLOUDY CREATIVE ACADEMY, a facility for fostering creators in Ghana, Africa. We started crowdfunding on the official website of NPO CLOUDY, “Cultivate creators who are active in the world! CLOUDY CREATIVE ACADEMY”.


Crowdfunding implementation page

Crowdfunding implementation period:
March 1 (Wednesday) to May 31 (Wednesday), 2023 Target amount: 5 million yen



 NPO CLOUDY, together with the fashion brand CLOUDY (operated by DOYA Co., Ltd., CEO Yuto Doya, hereinafter "CLOUDY") established for the purpose of supporting employment in Ghana, Africa, has taken action with Ghana, Africa as its base of operations. . During that time, I have met many talented creators, and have shared their talents through CLOUDY products.

 However, the environment surrounding them is harsh, and many of Ghana's young creators are unable to make a living due to the low salary of about 200 dollars a month. put away.  We want to provide an environment and an opportunity for them to develop their talents and spread their wings around the world. NPO CLOUDY launched a project to establish a vocational training school (ACADEMY) as part of employment support in order to change the current situation in Ghana, where there are very few educational opportunities and career options. In the first installment, we focused on the occupation of “barber” and collected funding for the establishment and operation of her BARBER ACADEMY through crowdfunding. 


 For this second installment, we will establish the “CLOUDY CREATIVE ACADEMY”, an academy for “creators”, together with young creators we met through our activities in Ghana. The school will open in Accra, the capital of Ghana, and plans to welcome more than 100 students who aim to become creators over the next five years. We will develop human resources who can make their dreams come true and be active in Japan and overseas, and provide them with opportunities to be active in the world.

Photo: Shooting of CLOUDY's 2022SS collection carried out by Ghanaian creators to nurture. A photographer shoots an apparel line using CLOUDY's original textile design.

・Collaboration with the program of the Ministry of Education of Ghana
 In cooperation with the National Service Scheme (NSS) established in 1973 by the Ministry of Education of Ghana, we accept and train local university students as interns.
The instructors are mainly creators who are active in CLOUDY product development, branding, PR, etc. We will develop human resources in a wide range of occupations related to creative content, such as art designers, textile designers, photographers, filmmakers, and event managers.

 Prior to the official opening, events such as conferences by instructors and photo walks have been held since last year. More than 630 students have participated so far.

・Implementation of crowdfunding
 In preparation for the official opening of CLOUDY CREATIVE ACADEMY in July 2023, we will raise funds for opening the school through crowdfunding. We aim to raise 5 million yen for the establishment fee from March 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023.

 On the crowdfunding implementation page, we will send out content that allows students who wish to study at CLOUDY CREATIVE ACADEMY to follow their dreams and watch their growth process after entering.
Please participate in nurturing creators who will lead the future of Ghana through crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding implementation page

Crowdfunding implementation period:
March 1 (Wednesday) to May 31 (Wednesday), 2023 Target amount: 5 million yen

Example of use of funds: The funds raised through crowdfunding will be used for the following expenses required at the time of establishment.

Student dormitory fee (utilities included) 5,000 yen/month x 20 people 1,200,000 yen per year
1 set of desk and chair 10,000 yen x 20 people 200,000 yen
1 PC 150,000 yen x 20 people 3,000,000 yen
Lecturer labor cost 20,000 yen x 5 people 1,200,000 yen per year

[Overview of CLOUDY]
 “Enjoy living properly on cloudy days” We will redesign the world's problems and create new fashion possibilities with our customers. CLOUDY operates its own factory in Africa (Ghana/Kenya) for the purpose of job creation and creates 600 jobs. We develop products using traditional African fabrics and materials, and through our own NPOs and NGOs, directly return to Africa's employment, education, health, and activities for environmental problems, aiming for sustainable recycling. Realize your business.
Operating company: DOYA Co., Ltd.
Established: January 2015 Representative: CEO Yuto Doya
Permanent store: RAYARD MIYASHITA PARK South 2F, 6-20-10 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
HP: https://cloudy-tokyo.com/
Instagram : @cloudy.tokyo
Twitter : @cloudy_tokyo

[Overview of authorized non-profit organization CLOUDY] A certified non-profit corporation established in 2010. Starting with support for children living in slums in Kenya, we are currently building schools in Ghana to create educational opportunities, building factories to create employment opportunities, and providing health support through the provision of school lunches and sex education. implementation. Focusing on education, employment, and health, I am taking action thinking of someone's cloudy day living under the same cloud.
Established: December 2010 Representative: Yuto Doya, Representative Director
Location: Kyowa Building 2F, 1-16-26 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

・Inquiries regarding this matter

Authorized Specified Non-Profit Organization CLOUDY 
Person in charge: Ono
Email: info@cloudynpo.org